Outlining the traumatic times that lay ahead for those whose loved one has been convicted of a crime, Emma Wells opens readers eyes to the devastating and life-altering ripple effects felt by their loved ones.  Sharing her own personal experiences, this handbook of sorts, offers a unique glimpse into a world no innocent person deserves to inhabit.


UNITED KINGDOM – With around 85,000 offenders currently housed in UK jails, there are many wives, partners and families who, like author Emma Wells, know only too well the hell that comes when a husband, partner or family member is accused of and or  jailed for committing  a criminal offence.

Always the unseen victims of the situation, with their lives tarnished and changed forever, Emma bravely shares her own personal experiences of when in 2016 her partner, at that time, was convicted after being accused of a serious criminal offence.  Unseen Victims details her harrowing journey from first hearing the accusations, through the court process, the media intrusions, the realities of prison visiting (the author collapsed due to a panic attack on her first visit), to the countdown to her partner’s release and the minutiae of being on parole.

Also sharing the stories of 13 men and women who have found themselves in similar situations, the author stresses that the purpose of writing is not to diminish the pain and suffering of the victims of  crime. Rather it has been written to educate, enlighten and assist anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation to herself.

A unique, thought-provoking and insightful piece of writing, Emma Wells needs to be congratulated for putting her head above the parapet and sharing her story; one which will sadly resonate with thousands.

In July 2023 we created a website and dedicated social media groups  (links below) which has expanded on the content discussed throughout in the book unseen victims. We are now  in the process of setting up a social enterprise (CIC) which will enable us to facilitate a  phone line to assist loved ones who struggle with social media or need additional support not found on the website. Further plans are to offer financial support for those who find themselves struggling to afford prison visits at times when their household income has been compromised due losing a loved one into the prison system. The Military of Justice places an incredible amount of emphasis on claims that strong family bonds are constructive in the successful rehabilitation of offenders but very little is actually done to financially accommodate this. We have also created a safe place on Facebook where loved ones can support each other and find further for advice, support and friendship. Further plans are to collaborate with other organisations and businesses who are constructive in finding suitable work placements for  those leaving prison. Around this time families face unprecedented levels of anxiety and stress, offering a beacon of hope is paramount to assisting them through this part of their journeys.

Future plans are to be able to fund affordable accommodation at sites around the country to facilitate loved ones when visiting areas that are affected by inflated prices during holiday periods. No one wakes up one day wishing to find themselves supporting a loved one in prison and they certainly aren’t visiting these areas for a holiday. They are instrumentally assisting with their loved ones rehabilitation. 

Book Synopsis:

Imagine having your whole world turned upside in the blink of an eye and the person whom you know and love is accused of sexual criminality? This is a stark reality for millions of people, every year. These people are the unseen victims of another’s offending, be it a false allegation or wholly true, the devastation caused shatters their lives.

In December 2016 my partner, at that time was jailed for raping a women who he met on “plenty of fish”. I left court on the final day having watched him being remanded into immediate custody wholly believing that they had convicted a very guilty man. It was only after I began requesting information in regard to the case in order to make an appeal that I realised how very wrong I had been. I found myself being lied about by the same officers that had been involved in “Roberts” police investigation and trial.

This book is a handbook, of sorts, for anyone who finds themselves placed in such a dark and lonely place. It will resonate with loved ones who have found themselves adapting to a new life and the challenges they will face from the moment they are made aware of the charges, up to the afterlife and what to realistically expect. It follows the whole prison journey from the perspective of the person left behind to pick up the pieces and it is no holds barred.

I have included short stories that have been afforded to me throughout the years which I have spent supporting those left behind. I want the reader to understand about red flags and the disgusting behaviour which finds guilty individuals rightfully convicted and harrowing tales of those who have found themselves falsely accused and wrongfully convicted.

This journey was my journey but prison populations are becoming increasingly flooded with new sexual offenders which means that unprecedented numbers of completely innocent members of the public are facing this horrendous ordeal…

Praised by Amazon readers, five-star reviews include:

“A most informative book that is thoughtfully, informatively and sensitively written. The book is a revelation and the real life experiences were truly enlightening. A must read for anyone who finds themselves or their loved ones in this situation.” – Erica Woodhouse

“An opportunity to follow how unseen victims face the horrendous ordeal of their loved ones being convicted of sexual criminality, the journey Emma shared is heart-breaking and devastating, certainly needs to be heard, we just never know if it could happen to us, well done Emma xx” – mummy

“This book really opens your eyes to the trauma and the real facts of the unseen Victims and is written beautifully! If you have been affected in any way by these offences then this is a must read book! Well done and most of all thank you for being a voice that isn’t afraid to talk for others!” – Sylvia Reynolds

“This book is a must read, can’t recommend highly enough. A real eye opener, Emma goes into detail about the hurdles, heartache and devastation faced by family and loved ones of the accused. It really can happen to anyone at any time. Everyone should read this.” – CC

The author says:

“Throughout the whole of this book, I flutter between fact and fiction. I wish to open debate about the unseen victims of another’s offending. I cannot speak for everyone who has been affected by this unwarranted intrusion into their lives, but on the whole, if you ask questions then you will be given very candid and honest replies about how utterly destroying these events are. I stand beside them in solidarity. Every single one of them is a warrior.”

Independently published, Unseen Victims is available in paperback – ISBN No: 979-8389997462 (priced £9.99) and Kindle format (£9.99 or free via Kindle Unlimited) on Amazon at https://bit.ly/3M9LUcl and https://bit.ly/451lt1h



About the author:

Emma Wells says: “I have been supporting the loved ones of those who find themselves supporting a loved one either accused or jailed for committing criminal offences almost a decade. During this time I have supported thousands of people through quite possibly the worst experience they will live though. The true victims of any any criminality have ample representation, in my opinion but the plight of a completely innocent bystander to another’s offending is rarely discussed. No one wakes up one day wishing this alien lifestyle on themselves and very few are equipped with the experience or knowledge about what to expect and how the process works. This hand book has been created for those loved ones and has been written based on my lived and learned experiences. I administrate 2 groups on social media and have almost 2k followers on twitter.

“Over the years i have lost count of the number of people who have expressed a desire to have had some reference or guide to reflect upon throughout their journeys so the book’s ambition is to combat this.”

“I am, of course, mindful of the fact that the content of the book could be taken out of context but I have never met or supported a person who has not put the considerations and heartfelt pity for anyone who is the true victim of sexual offending before their own and I reference this regularly, throughout.”






