Unseen Victims

Useful Links

We understand it can be a very scary, overwhelming and emotional time when a loved one is either arrested or in prison custody. To help you to navigate this difficult time we’ve listed below our essential checklists for you to access and refer to if you find you have been affected.

Organised processing of tasks represented with a ticked off checklist

Immediate Steps

Steps to take when a loved one has been arrested essential checklist.

Three people looking over paperwork, one holding a pen and one typing on a laptop sat at a wooden table

Client And Legal Team

Working better together legal team essential checklist.

Hands of a man in prison holding jail bars

Understanding Prisoner Rights & Reporting Mistreatment

A loved ones essential checklist.

Additional Links

Of course our website doesn’t have all the answers (yet….. we are working on it). Here are some links to other organisations who might be able to help. If you still can’t find what you are looking for then contact us and we will see how we can help.

Annie Hope - Support Through Art & Literature

My name is Annie Hope. I am a writer with lived experience as a family member of someone who has had The Knock.

I have an interest in representation of families of offenders in art and literature

In a previous capacity, I have campaigned to highlight the situation faced by families affected by the fallout of The Knock. My work has been used by charaties, featured anonymously in the media (including the BBC) and referred to by MPs in parliamentary debate.

You can find my blog here: https://anniehopeauthor.wordpress.com

I hope that this blog will evolve and grow over time, will be enlightening, though provoking and helpful to anyone with an interest in reading about underrepresented people, reading for healing, and to anyone who would like to learn more about writing.

If you have any fiction or nonfiction work relevant for discussion please contact me: anniehopewriter@gmail.com

Get cheap prison calls straight to your mobile. No App needed. Same day setup, cancel anytime. Visit cheap-prison-calls.co.uk

Have you ever been unable to find work, complete your studies, or lost a job opportunity due to information on your CRB Certificate?

CRB Problems Ltd specialises in Applications to review Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) formerly Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) Certificates.


Communication is a major factor in Prison life and the lack of it can have horrendous consequences. Email a Prisoner offers a quick, efficient, secure alternative method of communication for Prisoners, their families, friends, legal professionals and related organisations – meaning Prisoners can receive more frequent and varied communication.


Accused.me.uk is one of the most active place where you can link with people from the UK, who have also been framed for something they say never happened.  Start off on their website and you will find links to their on line support group.


Empowering the innocent (ETI) is a research project aimed at criminal justice reform that gives voice to alleged innocent victims of wrongful convictions that they can use in their struggles for justice.


Inside Times is a weekly and monthly printed national newspaper which is available for both loved ones and prisoners. It is generally packed with useful and interesting articles.

IPSO is the independent regulator for the newspaper and magazine industry in the UK. We hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and help to maintain freedom of expression for the press. Should you feel that your privacy has been infringed in editorial publication IPSO are duty bound to investigate this should you make a complaint. Use the link below.


OFCOM has wide-ranging powers across the television, radio, telecoms and postal sectors. It has a statutory duty to represent the interests of citizens and consumers by protecting the public from harmful or offensive material. Should you feel that your privacy has been infringed in televised production Ofcom are duty bound to investigate this should you make a complaint. Use the link below.


phonesavvy.uk – Get the cheapest prison calls straight to your mobile. They save their average customer over £100 a month in phone fees. Click Here

Details of all prisons in England & Wales can be found at this link on the government website: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/prisons-in-england-and-wales

Should you feel that your privacy has been breached in a Facebook post; use the link below to make a complaint.


Should you feel that your privacy has been breached in an Instagram post, use the link below to make a complaint.


Should you feel that your privacy has been breached in a LinkedIn post, use the link below to make a complaint.


Should you feel that your privacy has been breached in a TIKTOK post, use the link below to make a complaint.


Should you feel that your privacy has been breached in a Twitter post; use the link below to make a complaint.


Whilst our website and services are focussed on the unseen victims, the loved ones of those accused and incarcerated we must provide some resources for those that are been accused or have been convicted. There are organisations out there and “The Defendant” is one of them.

Liam Allan faced serious allegations which were totally fabricated. The police withheld serious evidence that proved his innocence and was only discovered at trial. Since his acquittal Liam along with his co-director Hannah Arkwright have gone on to set you the charity “The Defendant”. Operating a telephone support line 5 evenings a week Liam, Hannah and their fully trained team are there to help you emotionally help the accused by telephone.


Our Impact

We couldn't achieve what we do without you!

As a registered charity we wouldn’t be able to do the amazing work we do and help so many unseen victims without the generous donations we receive. From the bottom of our hearts thank you for your support.

If you would like to make a donation simply click on the Support Us button.